Riopan GI is used to relieve various gastrointestinal disorders. It works by regulating the pH of the stomach to maintain it between 3 and 5, which allows to even relieve ulcers and prevent reflux. Its main applications are:
Reflux esophagitis, inflammation and irritation caused in the esophagus as a result of reflux.
Peptic ulcer, are sores that arise in the stomach or intestines as a result of infections or use of certain medications.
Stress ulcers
Non-ulcer dyspepsia, gastrointestinal disease that occurs after food intake. Symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping, flatulence, burning, heaviness and nausea.
Hiatal hernia, a condition in which a part of the stomach pushes up the diaphragm.
Peptic acid disease, which is the inflammation and ulceration suffered by the gastric tube.